How to care for your garden in winter

30 June 2017

Winter in Queensland is a confusing thing for those who don’t know it.  Cold mornings, but then the rapid rise of temperature throughout the day can be not only confusing for humans, but also your gardens.  Here are some tips to help protect your garden in winter, ensuring that it makes it to spring!

1. Pruning & Weeding

Winter is a great time of year to weed the garden and remove that ugly bush that’s been annoying you.  Weeding less regularly is a common mistake that a lot of people make during winter.  Remember, weeds still grow – with less regard for temperature than any other plant.  Pruning of your summer and autumn flowering trees and shrubs towards the end of winter will assist healthy growth throughout spring.

2. Mulching

In winter, mulch can be likened to a blanket for your garden.  After weeding your garden, add a thick layer of mulch, this will assist in keeping out frost and cooler temperature.  However, we need to make sure that this layer of mulch does not smother any new grow that may be struggling to make its way into the world.  Check your garden weekly, and slightly reduce the mulch around any new foliage or growth.



