Botanical name: Westringia fruticosa
Common name: Native rosemary
With small white flowers from spring to summer, Westringia fruticosa is a beautiful, bird-attracting native shrub which is ideal for either small gardens or larger landscapes. It is extremely hardy and will tolerate almost any situation.
Plant height: up to 1.5 m
Plant spread: up to 1 m
Care and Maintenance
- tolerates light frost once established
- tolerates drought once established
- full sun, semi shade
- planting season all year round
- medium water use
- tip prune to maintain
- may be pruned annually to form shape
- fertilize in spring with slow release fertilizer
- All plants have roots and are ready for planting.
- Water each day for 2–3 weeks after planting.
- Westringia fruticosa is great for spot planting throughout the garden or forming a border.