Botanical name: Zoysia tenuifolia
Common name: No-mow grass
Zoysia tenuifolia is a very fine-textured grass, dark green in colour. It is mainly used as a ground cover among rocks and around ponds; it makes a spectacular architectural feature as it can also grow over rocks and other structures in the garden. It is also used to great effect when planted between pavers.
Plant height: up to 10 cm
Plant spread: up to 40 cm
Care and Maintenance
- tolerates light frost once established
- tolerates drought once established
- full sun, semi shade
- planting season all year round
- medium water use
- fertilize in spring with slow release fertilizer
- All plants have roots and are ready for planting.
- Water each day for 2–3 weeks after planting.
- Plant 30 cm apart to create a dense ground cover.
- Zoysia tenuifolia (no-mow grass) is great for mass and scattered plantings, this plant will thrive in any garden and looks amazing.